Two Lungs Word: Portsmouth & Southampton
I saw a picture of two lungs representing the cities of Southampton and Portsmouth, both breathing out life into the wider region. Both were operating together and growing in their lung capacity. Prayer was key to increasing that lung capacity. One lung was a collapsed lung and was undergoing restoration. The breath of the Spirit was breathing new life across the region and there were no limits to where it might go.
Simon Orton, December 2023
Purification, Preparation and Presentation
I had a vision of three gates opening up. Each gate was directly beyond the other
and one would have to pass through in the order they appeared to reach the end.
I heard a voice saying ‘Pass through! Pass through the gates! I heard a trumpet call
and the voice saying ‘It’s time for the church to wake from slumber and arise’.
You can choose to go through the gates. It’s your choice. It’s time to prepare for
spiritual re-positioning.’
The first gate leads to an area of Preparation. This is a time of review, reflection,
and renewal of the plans and purposes which we have set in our lives. This is the
time and place of a determined, sustained, personal choice to submit to the will of
God, even in things that were previously ordained and blessed by Him because their
season is now over. It’s a time of re-ordering – personally and corporately.. It’s a time
of confession, reconciliation, and restoration and relationships that were lost will
be restored.
Many will find that faces from the past will reconnect and the opportunity for
restoration will be revealed. This is a crucial time as it is the Lord’s rearrangement
and restoration in line with his purposes for the time. to get right in ourselves and
with one another.
Signs and fruit of this time will be extensive reports of relationships restored and
testimonies of freedom being released in every area of people’s lives.
Verse: Isaiah 62:10
The second gate leads to an area of Purification. This is consequent on passing
through the first gate. It is the time and place of setting apart, seeking the Lord, and
falling before Him with open hearts and minds. A time of deep cleansing of our
hearts, thinking processes, emotions and wills. A time of presenting bodies as
sacrifices – plans, dreams, visions, hopes and even God-given callings will be laid
on the altar as worship to Him. There will be unusual grace for prayer and fasting.
Lives will be transformed during this time, as the Lord will come with fire – purifying
and sealing His people.
Signs and fruit of this time will be a genuine unity and a preferring of one another.
Hearts will be turned – sons to fathers, elder to younger, wounded to wonder and joy
will be evident.
Verse Psalm 24:3-4
The third gate leads to an area of Presentation. This, again, is consequent, on
passing through the previous gate. The world will then see and respond and many
will come into the Kingdom because they see the signs and fruit and want to receive
the love, freedom and joy, which are revealed to them and because of the unity of
the believers. There will be many Sauls in the world who will become Pauls in
the Kingdom. As the church is revealed so light will shine on sin and shame in high
places in the lands – governments and rulers on earth will be also revealed and
exposed and re-positioning will happen at all levels. The very name of Jesus Christ
will be banned from being spoken in governmental places.
But at the same time, there will be a strong reaction from others who will be full of
anger and rage and much will be thrown at people to try and restrict and contain
truth. Some of this anger will come from within the church and there will be
exceptional grace to minister grace to brothers and sisters. It will seem for a
time like there are two churches operating side by side but it is all part of the time
and season for God’s purposes to be revealed and established in His people on
Verse: Romans 12:1
Each gate will require different choices and each choice will have speedy
consequences. Choices will be like seeds sown and quickly grown and harvested.
Prayerful consideration will be needed over choices. Even small choices and
decisions will be significant.
The signs and fruit of this time will be a church that is not afraid to speak or be seen.
Signs of courage, strength and power with signs and wonders as the Lord is
revealed through His people.
Preparation, Purification, and Presentation – three consequential, transforming
experiences that the Lord has planned for His church in the next season.
Christine Larkin
Word for Portsmouth/Southampton Unity
(which is becoming a growing word for the wider church)
Isaiah 58 - Be repairers of broken walls, restorers of streets with dwellings. If the people of God in
these two cities open their hearts to one another, honour one another, be generous to one another,
repairing the broken wall of unity, then restoration life will come to their cities and they will be a
source of restoration life to the south coast – a river of repentance and reconciliation flowing out to
the east and the west; a life-giving river where the people of God rise up with strength, vision, hope
and faith for the future. Then there will a season of realignment, governmental, strategic, spiritual
alliances. Transformation will start with the church taking authority and ownership to have a
Kingdom mindset and Kingdom heart for others, faithful in unity.
Repair the broken wall of unity then these cities will be a sign and a provocation to other cities and a
forerunner for transformation in a nation.
I Samuel 2:30 He that honours me, him will I honour. Isaiah 58 repairers of broken walls. The walls need to
be repaired first. We have tried to make streets with dwellings, church communities – community =
with unity, yet we haven’t repaired the broken walls of disunity etc. God is honoured when I
honour others especially past generational influences – direct or indirect – those who have been
part of the blessing, provision, influence of His word and His purposes down the generations to
where we are today. A lack of honour is a breach in the continuum of God’s blessing down the
generations. Who are those He brings to mind to honour and acknowledge as part of the ever
increasing purposes/government of God in our lives – Isaiah 9? Remember them and honour them.
They may have subsequently failed or fallen but they need honour for their part in the purposes of
God which we benefit from today. RE-MEMBER them – they are part of us and we are part of them
– members of the Body. Isaiah 58 - the people thought they could please God with their religious
observance, but there were broken walls. It’s time for restoration – honouring God and honouring
others. There is an unbroken cord of God through eternity and we are part of that!
Word shared by Christine Larkin, August 2023
11th July 2023 @ Waypoint Church, Titchfield
Hosted by Daniel Harman & Christine Larkin, Worship led by Alun Leppitt
There were many contributing words and prayers from those representing both cities and areas in between and surrounding them.
Mick Mellows (Faith & Football) was introduced, as a committed Christian and someone who is
involved closely with Portsmouth (Pompey) Football Club. He told of how originally, Southampton
Football Club (The Saints), was originally started by a church football team, to reach out in faith to the
community. It was never intended to be a rival club to Pompey and as the years had passed, the
vision has sadly disappeared, leaving the cities divided in goals and visions.
Following Daniel’s example from scripture (Daniel 9), DH repented on behalf of Portsmouth City and for the toxic
rivalry which now exists between the two clubs. He asked everyone to humble themselves, and pray,
so we may unlock and unblock. CL and AL quoted Acts 2:1 – Unity in purpose and spirit. We
should be repairers of the walls and build new relationships. A spirit of repentance, conviction and
restoration is needed. MM said there should be no more haphazard prayers, but we should be
focused on the goal in mind. The early 2000’s saw a mini revival break out between the two cities.
National newspapers reported the events and declared that a revival had started. He reminded us
that what God starts He will finish. Pray daily – a need for Spiritual Fathers and Mothers, from both
cities are required. 2 Cor 13:11 – Rejoice, strive for full restoration. Encourage one another to live in peace.
Key Points of Discussion Groups:
Why did you come here today? What is YOUR heart saying about unity?
Inviting others to join us, caught our imagination, again using the power of the invite.
Renew and make friends between people, crossing the boarders of Portsmouth and Southampton,
extending a hand of friendship, offering peace and harmony.
Must move in the Spirit, approach both Councils with a view to working together on shared projects
– currently already being considered. We need to help each other lay aside our differences, our
preferences regarding parties and politics for the good of both cities. As Christians we need to
stand in the gap and break down strongholds and stand firm for the cause. If Christ is for us, who can be against us?
Portsmouth has a history of great organisational skills, due to its military bases, the Camber, and
our Dockyard. Southampton, on the other hand, does not have any military bases, but does have the Docks.
The Psalms emphasise unity, anointing oils poured over the heads of believers (Psalm 133).
Future meetings, need to be widely advertised, both in writing and via personal invites to churches
in both cities. Some churches appear to be inflexible and reluctant to be involved outside of their
parish, but we must pray and change these divisions. Suggest some Street Pastors may be able to
help us and may even be prepared to ‘spread the word’ about our meetings, to the appropriate people.
Deny ourselves, put a guard on our lips, for the sake of answered prayer and unity. Both cities
started with their identity in Jesus and transferred it to football. Let us put Jesus back where He belongs!
What is God’s destiny for the South Coast? It involves a sacrifice to attend the meeting, stand in
the gap and intercede, pray in tongues, repent of misgivings and curses between Portsmouth and
Southampton, even cursing Southampton / Portsmouth Football Club. Unite, cleanse and restore. Digging new
wells and cancelling every curse made in the past. Embrace the two cities in a cloak of healing,
bringing together our strengths and birth new healthy friendships. We must all remember, it is not
about our church, our city or, our nation. Imagine the impact the unity of the two cities would have
on the nation and potential ‘knock-on’ effect of other cities copying us.
Aim to be unified in Christ for the sake of the cause.
Pray for those who feel detached from either city. Put the cross of Jesus and His blood between the two cities. Help us to understand the links
that bind us rather than separate us. Pray against the hatred shared between the rival cities.
Equip the people to preach the gospel and pray for each other. Christians be reunited and be
God’s Word in the earth. Nehemiah – rebuild the walls and be willing to work and do your part.
Importance of the Perfumers, taking the precious fragrances of God into the world.
Pray at landmarks in both cities, pulling down strongholds. A vision was shared by Lawrence Brackpool of a cable-car between the two cities, linking them and moving freely and uncovering glitches as it went, making the transition smoother.
Offer a two-way exchange of sharing ideas and inform the residents of the history of each city.
Possibly arrange a tour of each city to learn each other’s history, good and bad! Again, use the
power of the invite to offer an olive branch and cement new relationships, ironing out perceived flaws and assumptions.
Finally, it was perceived that the Lord is leading us and WayPoint, into a wide space, where we
have got to trust Him to show us the way forward. But with God everything is possible.
CL Closed the meeting in prayer and encouraged everyone to pray regularly for this project and encourage others to come along to future gatherings.
In the meantime, be diligent and commit your part in this new venture to the Lord in prayer.
Link in and be part of joining the nets for a greater catch, because together we are stronger and will reach more.
Notes taken by Susan Harman
Prophetic Word for Portsmouth & Southampton
This word was given at the Unblocking the Wells: Unity, Reconciliation & Blessing gathering
Tuesday 11th July 2023 @ Way Point Church in Titchfield
Revelation and interpretation
I had a vision of a cable car -it was there to gather people into the car.
First job is to strengthen - the cable and connectedness by gathering (I think this was this week’s meeting).
The cable car ran between the Spinnaker tower in Portsmouth and Central Hall in Southampton, it went across the water.
Then there was a third stop in Titchfield - it was a stopping off point.
Then I saw a group at the central hall stop, Billy Kennedy was showing people from Portsmouth around like an exchange programme
acting as a tour guide - He was showing places like St Mary’s Church.
I next saw Way Point church (The middle stop) in Titchfield (the gathering).
At first many were around the edges of the car tentatively looking in.
Then there was more inclusion, they were gathered together and felt part of the unity movement.
Titchfield seems key to bring unity and buy in from a number of people. A great middle ground.
The group rode to Portsmouth on the cable car, it was a bumpy ride, it took an unusual impossibly windy route for a cable (suggesting some challenges).
When the car approached the stop off point the route split in two, half of the people were trying to go the wrong way
around the wheel terminus of the cable car - even though this is not possible.
This spoke of two camps - divided. It was like the Southampton people could see where
there was division in Portsmouth. I suspect between the churches.
When the Portsmouth people visited Southampton they could see the unity on the surface,
(like a black shiny road surface), but it was lifted up and there was an orange powder layer
between the surface and the next layer. The Portsmouth people could see the Southampton unity was only at a surface level.
They helped to repair what was beneath the surface.
God’s plan was a joint exchange programme where the group from each city could help the
other with their problems. The outside perspective enabled clearer vision than each group
could see of their own city. This required humility and joint working.
After this Titchfield was gradually not needed as a stopping off point, there was free flow of
the cable car between the two cities - which spoke of harmony. Working together helped
mend anything divisive
Application in summary:
● Gather the people together.
● Strengthen the links.
● Keep meeting in WayPoint to build unity and inclusion.
● Meet in each other’s cities and share openly together how we function together as churches.
● Work to help each other.
● The result will be unity and a free flow between the cities.
● Humility and joint working is key to breakthroughs.
Laurence Brackpool, Riverside Family Church Southampton